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In our technical service we take into account the rights of our clients, we offer real and quality guarantees for our clients, without small letters, that is why we leave in this section the guarantees that we cover and their limitations:

Cinta azul con estrellas

Repair guarantee.


Material (if applicable)

Cinta azul con estrellas



Material (if applicable)

Cinta azul con estrellas



Material (if applicable)

Cinta azul con estrellas


Equipment warranty.

Determined and conditioned by the manufacturer.


*LThe guarantees in the case of repairs will be valued by the technical service professional. In order for the repair to be covered by the guarantee, it must have the same characteristics as its initial repair, and it will be assessed that there is no indication of improper use, faults unrelated to the equipment, and/or an intervention by third parties not corresponding to this service. technician. 

*LThe repairs will present a safety label, which will be attached both to the replaced material and to the structure of the equipment. This label must not show scratches, tears, scratches or other damage. If the label presents any defect, the guarantee will be void.

*Pelectronic lacquers will be exempt from warranty once installed and tested in the equipment. The manufacturers and distributors of these components do not offer guarantees, since they could be affected by electrical faults unrelated to their manufacture.

*LThe guarantee for equipment that is charged with refrigerant gas both in  refrigerators, freezers, dryers, air conditioners and/or heat pumps, will be applicable provided that a previous leak test has been carried out . If this test is not performed, the equipment or installation would be exempt from warranty.

LThe glasses/crystals do not have any type of guarantee once reviewed by the client at the time of replacement, accepting the state of the replaced glass.

EITHERBlockages (partial/total) caused by the state of the water (limescale, sediments, grease, organic remains, sludge, etc.) will not be covered by the guarantee, since it is not considered as a failure of the repaired equipment, but as a condition unrelated to the operation in working conditions of the equipment with treated water.

*ANDIn installations, the guarantee will always be covered according to the existing pre-installation section used by the installer up to the equipment, leaving the section prior to the pre-installation not used by the installer out of warranty. In complete installations it will be valued by the professional.

*Gwarranty on EQUIPMENT, will be determined by the manufacturers, the installer can act as an intermediary (without being mandatory) prior to the official visit of the manufacturer, but the final assessment will be made by the official technical service of the manufacturer, with the corresponding conditions and rates that apply the official SAT of the assigned manufacturer.  

*Chen the technician attends to a warranty claim, the customer accepts the conditions detailed above. In the event that the technician makes an unfavorable assessment of the guarantee (either due to a secondary fault, or improper use of the equipment), the customer will be obliged to pay theprovision of service. In case of accepting the budget for a second intervention, the provision mentioned above will NOT be charged, and the intervention and the material (if necessary) will be budgeted.

Last revision March 2022
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