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ANDAt InfoTecGus we are at the forefront of the most advanced technique and engineering on the market in order to help our clients in their decision to be more efficient. For this reason we are a responsible company with the environment and we work to offer the most appropriate service. It is for all of the above and more reasons that we offer the repair and installation service for this new range of hot water, heating and air conditioning generators, taking advantage of the environmental energy of the air. 



Extracting environmental energy contained in the air temperature, even below zero, and transferring it to the room or to running water. This is achieved through the thermodynamic cycle that uses a compressed refrigerant gas at very low temperatures to extract heat from the outside air.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to perform maintenance, repair or know how to adapt your home for the new CLEAN AND EFFICIENT generation in air conditioning and comfort.

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